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I am proud to be a British Horse Society Accredited Professional Coach (BHSAPC).
As a BHSAPC I have the following;
Professional Equestrian Qualifications
Professional Coaching Qualifications
First Aid Trained
Fully Insured
Criminal Record (DBS) enhanced check
Commitment to attend ongoing training (CPD)
I am also a Challenge Award Coach/ Assessor ​

The relationship between a horse and rider is a unique connection.
At DVM Equestrian you get the finest certified equine coach / equine sports massage therapist, to support you on your journey with your horse.
My unique and methodical approach will support you & your horses development at every step.
Contact me today to get started!
Derry Vilcans-Moody
West Midlands, England
Follow DerryV_M Equestrian on social media to keep up to date with the latest news.

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